In the spirit of putting fun in fungibility, I present my latest fuck around and find out project: Solo Mining Wownero using a phone! *you will already need a wallet and secret spend key in order to do this.
Step 1) Download A Terminal for Android
Since Android runs on Linux*, you really just need a terminal to get to the delicious CPU inside. Termux is the typical go to. I don’t care what you use, but for the sake of this tutorial you might need it.
Step 2) Git Ubuntu-In-Termux
Cool. So The terminal is running on your phone. Now you need Ubuntu. Copy Pasta time.
- Update termux:
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
- Install wget:
apt-get install wget -y
- Install proot:
apt-get install proot -y
- Install git:
apt-get install git -y
- Go to HOME folder:
cd ~
- Download script:
git clone
- Go to script folder:
cd ubuntu-in-termux
- Give execution permission:
chmod +x
- Run the script:
./ -y
- Now just start ubuntu:
Step 3) Git Wonero
So like
apt update && apt install build-essential cmake pkg-config libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libzmq3-dev libunbound-dev libsodium-dev libunwind8-dev liblzma-dev libreadline6-dev libldns-dev libexpat1-dev libpgm-dev libhidapi-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libudev-dev git -y
And then
git clone && cd wownero
And then
make -j2
Step 4) ??????
So this overall takes more time to compile than any other part of this. You’re playing the hurry up and wait game most of the time. Take this time to read a book, touch grass, do a tiktok dance to save a country. The choice is yours.
Step 5) Profit
Once everything is compiled, in order to run Wownerod use
./wownerod --start-mining YOUR-ADDRESS --spendkey SECRET-SPENDKEY
Happy Mining!
Wownero is just a meme token. This is all for funsies.
I’d highly advise against doing this to your daily driver phone. Only do this if you have e-waste laying around doing nothing. I also don’t know about iOS but doubt i would work.
I copied most of this, just put it in the order that worked for me. This could very easily simplified.
Feel free to read more about WOW at and meme at
I’m also not a doctor so this is not financial advice.
WOW : Wo3pyYDxxkg9Mo8Jk591HbPV5P5Ee6NNR5WxySTHzQw7SmNT7AAJrrQbmu8vYhTfkjD8nUAx6cp8gYGrtoFTX7NP2zPbUeiXv
XMR: 8Bxncqg37qfMw8GmxkmhnAUpydKQcb9CvUJsjv6bA6MgGsfavLnEqmYjabijrp78JHeTVRXMT9J5GUDBhzqhTR3KLjQ8QjB